Unfortunately for me, it was the curiously titled ‘Gay Bar’. Eventually, I found myself on a rock-themed channel (I forget what it was), with a band called Electric Six beginning their video. I did what I always did when put in such a situation I started surfing the music channels. My parents never had anything other than terrestrial channels, so it was always great to be put in charge of a television set when it had Sky. To be personal for a moment, I remember visiting a family friend’s house about ten years ago with my parents, and being the kid in the room, I was allowed control of the TV remote.
Unfortunately, I didn’t know this, and if I may say so, Electric Six didn’t do a great job of marketing themselves either. It’s no secret that Electric Six are well known for their consistently varied style that draws from a multitude of influences to craft their sound. Review Summary: No crazy was sacrificed in the making of this origin story